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Promoting excellence in Education


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Statute (excerpts)

This Statute was developed and registered in 2008 in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by January 16, 2001 "On Non-commercial Organizations", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" and other legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Non-governmental organization "Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education" (hereinafter - the Agency) is a non-profit organization established to improve the quality of education and competitiveness of Kazakhstani and foreign educational institutions; to provide information to stakeholders in Kazakhstan and abroad regarding the excellence of particular educational organizations.

The non-governmental organization "Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education" is a non-profit organization, which has no purpose in getting profit and does not distribute the income between members of the Agency.

The official name of the Agency:

1) in Kazakh: «Білім сапасын қамтамасыздандыру бойынша тәуелсіз агенттігі» мемлекеттік емес мекеме;

2) in Russian: негосударственное учреждение «Независимое агентство по обеспечению качества в образовании»;

3) in English: Non-governmental Non-profit Organization "Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education".

A short title of the Agency:

1) in Kazakh:«БСҚA»;

2) in Russian:«НАОКО»;

3) in English: "IQAA"

Location and address of the Agency: Republic of Kazakhstan, Z05H9M7, Astana, Dostyk Street, 20, Office 801.

The duration of the Agency is not limited.


The main mission of IQAA lies in contribution to the improvement of the quality of education of educational institutions and increase of their competitiveness at the national and international levels.

The activities of educational institutions are being improved through the use of the following means:

- Development of systems and processes for quality assurance of secondary, technical and vocational, higher and post-graduate education in accordance with the European and international standards;

- Dissemination of best international practice in the field of quality assurance of the activities of educational institutions;

- Formation and development of a quality culture in the system of education;

- Facilitation in the enhancement of effectiveness and sustainability of educational institutions in education and research activities through the services provided by the Agency.

Activities of the Agency:

  • participation in the preparation of normative legal acts to assess the quality of education and other related issues of legal regulation, which are developed and authorized by the legislative authorities and professional organizations;
  • informational and methodical support of universities on the issues regarding the quality of education in line with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area;
  • organization and conduct of the institutional and programme accreditation of educational organizations based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, both in Kazakhstan and abroad;
  • development of standards and criteria of institutional and programme accreditation in the field of higher education, TVET and secondary education;
  • organization and conduct of the training courses, seminars, workshops, round tables on the topics of quality assurance in education, management and administration of educational institutions;
  • training of experts and their certification (including training abroad with the assistance of foreign experts);
  • international cooperation with quality assurance agencies and organizations, membership in international organizations in this field of activities;
  • interaction with stakeholders (partners - employers, student organizations) in the quality assessment of educational organizations;
  • research activities in the field of education, provision of analytical services.


The management of the Agency is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this Statute by the following individuals and bodies:

a) Founders;

b) Accreditation Council;

c) President of the Agency.

The supreme Governing body of the Agency are:

  • General Panel of Founders;
  • Supervisory Council;
  • Accreditation Council;
  • Executive Body - President.

The General Panel is able to consider any issues regarding activities of the Agency and make decisions based on their discussions.

The Agency established the Accreditation Council as an elected representative public collegial body. The competences of the Accreditation Council include decision-making procedures on the following issues:

  • Approval of the Provision on the Accreditation Council;
  • Approval of the Strategy for development of the Agency;
  • Decision-making process on institutional accreditation of educational organizations;
  • Decision-making process on programme accreditation of educational organizations;
  • Approval of the Provision on Appeals Committee and appeal procedures;
  • Approval of the Provision on procedures of considering complaints;
  • Approval of internal standards and criteria of educational institutions;
  • Approval of external standards for holding external visits (reviews) in educational institutions;
  • Other documents requiring the competencies of the Accreditation Council.

At present, management over activities of the Agency and conduct of affairs are performed by the President of the Agency, who is elected by the General Panel of Founders.

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