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Promoting excellence in Education


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28. 05. 16

On May 27, 2016 IQAA conducted a training workshop for representatives of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan


IQAA regularly conducts training workshops for experts and representatives of educational organizations in Kazakhstan with the purpose to prepare them more effectively to external reviews of IQAA. The topic of the workshop – «Standards for institutional and specialized (programme) accreditation of IQAA developed in accordance with the new edition of ESG». This workshop was attended by the Vice-rector of the Academy, heads and directors of various departments, Professors, Associate Professors and consultants for academic programmes.

The programme of this training workshop included several parts:

  • 1) Presentation of the IQAA President, Professor Kalanova Sh., on the topic: “Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European higher education area (ESG)”
  • 2) Presentation of the head of the Department of the Expert Evaluation and Information Technologies, Adilgazinov G.Z., on the topic: “Standards of the Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA)”
  • 3) Presentation of the head of the Department of Audit and Post-accreditation Monitoring of HEIs, Akhmadiyeva Zh.K. on the topic: “Requirements to the expert conclusion”.

After presentations, IQAA coordinators held a special training for participants on drafting summary expert conclusions for external reviews. Thus, all representatives of the Academy had an opportunity to learn the process of writing reports and to better understand the structure and techniques of conducting accreditation.

This workshop caught the interest of representatives of the Academy and many of them highlighted a huge role of experience after being accredited by IQAA. In particular, they said about the improvement of the academy and expressed gratitude to the President and staff of the agency for their dedication and support in the process of improvement and development of the system of internal quality assurance of the Academy.

At the completion of the seminar, all participants were awarded with certificates for participation and enhancement of their expertise in the field of quality assurance.


The full photo report is available on the IQAA official Facebook page

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