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Promoting excellence in Education


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08. 09. 17

On September 8, 2017, the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities, the Perspektywy Education Foundation in cooperation with the Embassy of Poland and IQAA conducted an informational seminar

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This seminar was aimed at expanding and deepening the academic mobility of students and academics, creating joint educational programs with universities in Poland. The seminar discussed issues concerning the system of higher education in Poland, international cooperation and bilateral exchange of students.

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The representatives of Kazakhstani higher education institutions and colleges, educational centers and schools, as well as employees of the Agency, took part in the seminar.

Opening remarks were made by the president of IQAA, Ph.D., professor Kalanova Sh.M. and president of the Perspektywy Education Foundation, Mr. Waldemar Siviński. In her greeting, the president of IQAA thanked all the participants for the interest they showed towards the seminar and especially the organizers of the seminar for the opportunity to get acquainted with the system of higher education in Poland and the peculiarities of student exchange. The president of the Educational Foundation "Perspectives" expressed his gratitude to the employees of IQAA for their cooperation and assistance in organizing this informational seminar.

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The guests from Poland, in particular the president of the Commission for International Cooperation of the Conference of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of Poland, Rector of the Opole University of Technology, professor Marek Tukiendorf, the president of AirTech Company, Marcin Biernacki, Vice-Rector for Development of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, professor Kazimierz Banasik, and also the project manager of the Perspektywy Education Foundation, Julia Lysik took part in the event.

Information about the Perspektywy Education Foundation is available on their official website. (

The photoreport of this event is available on the official Facebook page of the IQAA.

Presentations from the seminar can be found below:

1. International students in Poland 2017

2. International Dimension of Higher Education System in Poland

3. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW

4. Rules for Certification of Recruitment Agencies

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