Publication of the ENQA Annual Report 2018Learn more
Following ENQA report highlights several positive developments that took place in 2018. ENQA welcomed four new members and opened eight new affiliates this year.
In spring 2018 the ENQA General Assembly decided that the ENQA Agency Review process should go through an external evaluation in order to evaluate the transparency and independence of the process and to support the improvement of its usefulness and fitness-for-purpose. The work has started already and will continue in 2019. In 2018, international projects implemented in the ASEAN countries and Africa have continued to provide the association with new insights on the global scope of higher education.
EQUIP (2015). Comparative analysis of the ESG 2015 and ESG 2005.Learn more
The paper provides the summary of the changes in the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), adopted by the Ministers responsible for higher education in 2015 in Yerevan, compared to the ESG, first published in 2005.ENQA (2015). Quality Procedures in the European higher education area and beyond – Internationalisation of quality assurance agencies: 4th ENQA Survey learn.
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The paper provides priorities for the perspective development of quality assurance. The core priority suggested to be the relationship between external quality assurance procedures and mechanisms for higher education improvement.
ENQA (2014). The concept of excellence in higher educationLearn more
The report presents the results of the ENQA working groups on their examination of the meaning of excellence in education both at the level of programmes and institutions.ENQA (2014). Working together to take quality forward
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This publication contains the selection of papers from the 8th European Quality Assurance Forum.ENQA (2012). Quality procedures in the European higher education area and beyond – visions for the future
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The paper summarizes the emergence of quality assurance in the EHEA and discloses the variety and dynamism will remain distinct features. Additionally, it offers indications on the priorities in the future development of quality assurance agencies in the EHEA.ENQA (2011). Mapping the implementation and application of the ESG (map-ESG project).
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The report presents the results of the MAP-ESG project of the ENQA. The main findings concern the challenges in implementation of the ESG and recommendations for further development in this area.ENQA (2008). Quality Procedures in the European Higher Education Area and Beyond – Second ENQA Survey.
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The paper covers the results of the Quality Procedures survey on quality assurance agencies within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and beyond, conducted in 2008. -
European Students` Union (2015).Overview on Student-Centred Learning in Higher Education in Europe. European Students` Union: BrusselsLearn more
The paper considers the policies and efforts to implement the student-centred learning term to three levels: the European, institutional and student perspective, particularly reflecting on the issues of students' motivation in participation in co-creating their learning experience.
European Students` Union (2015).Bologna with students` eyes. Time to meet the expectations from 1999.Learn more
The report takes a stock on the implementation of the Bologna process in the period of 1999-2015 from the students` perspective.
European Students` Union (2015). Quest for Quality for Students: Survey on Students' PerspectivesLearn more
The paper aimed at to explore the students’ perspective on quality at different levels and in varies disciplinary contexts.European Students` Union (2015). Quest for Quality for Students: Going back to basics.
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The research summarizes the core political and conceptual developments in quality assurance on national and European level in recent decades with a view to increasing student involvement within these processes.European Students` Union (2015). Quest for Quality for Students: Institutional Analysis.
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The report presents the results of the research, conducted in 5 different countries, on the students` view on quality, quality assurance in higher education and student participation.European Students` Union (2013). Quest for Quality for Students: Student Handbook on Quality Assurance.
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The aim of the handbook is to enable students` organizations to lead discussions on the quality of education at a local level and to assist students, participating in quality reviews.European Students` Union (2012). Bologna with students` eyes.
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The report reveals the results of the Bologna process implementation in 1999-2012 from the students` perspective.European Students` Union (2011). No student left out - handbook higher education decision making.
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The handbook provides an overview of the way in which a student union can successfully represent students in an inclusive way and the history of student involvement in governance on all levels.