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Promoting excellence in Education


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30. 01. 14

To rectors of universities

The Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education informs that in the period from February 5 to 6, 2014 in Astana, there will be a holding of two workshop seminars.

The work of the first seminar (February 5) will be focused on the training of experts for participation in preliminary and external audits in framework of the institutional and specialized (programme) accreditation, drafting reports, as well as the preparation of expert conclusions on the reports on self-evaluation for educational organizations and study programmes.

In course of the workshop seminar, there was a presentation by Maiki Udam, Director on Development and International Relations of Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency (EKKA).

At the end of the seminar, its participants were awarded with certificates, which confirmed their status of experts in accreditation for a period of 3 years.

The seminar was conducted on a paid basis. The fee of participation – 15 000 tenge. This sum covers the payment for the work of invited lecturers, coffee-break and lunch, as well as distribution of handouts. Travelling expenses and accommodation are paid by a sending party. The seminar can be attended by Vice-rectors, Deans, Heads of Departments, faculty, recommended by their administration as potential experts on the conduct of the preliminary and external audits, on the preparation of expert conclusions on self-evaluation reports for universities and study programmes, as well as all teachers, who is willing to undergo certification as experts in the individual order.

The number of applications is decided by the university administration, and applications also can be directed by faculty members independently.

The deadline for submission of applications – January 30, 2014. The form of application is attached.

Bank details for transferring payment: LLP «Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality assurance in Education - consulting service »

Taxpayer Registration Number - 620200326494

Business Identification Number - 080640010280

Individual identification code KZ49319Y010000364805 (KZT)

KZ21319Y010005593318 (EUR)

KZ05319Y010005593315 (USD)

JSC «BTA Bank»

Bank identification code - ABKZKZKX КБЕ 17

The second seminar (February 6) raised the issues concerning the formation of documentation, presented by universities on participation in the general ranking of universities and ranking of particular programmes.

The agency welcomes the participation of university specialists responsible for filling in the questionnaires and preparation of documentation on the general ranking and ranking of study programmes.

The travelling expenses and accommodation are covered by universities and individually by the teaching staff.

Applications will be accepted until January 30, 2014.

Both seminars will take place in the complex «Shabyt» at Kazakh National University of Arts at the address: Astana, 50 Tauelsizdik street, Concert hall named after Zhambyl Zhabayev.

The programmes of seminars will be published on the agency website:

Contact phone numbers: +7 (7172) 27 77 49, 27 38 20, 27 38 19.

President, Sh. Kalanova

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