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22. 05. 16

The President of IQAA, Kalanova Sh., presented a report at the international scientific forum "Academic Integrity: issues and perspectives. Best practices" at the JSC KAZGUU University

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On 19-20 May, 2016 in Astana there was a holding of the international scientific forum "Academic Integrity: issues and perspectives. Best practices". This event was organized by the JSC KAZGUU University together with Nazarbayev University and JSC Economic Research Institute.

The purpose of the forum is to create an international platform for the exchange of researchers’ and practitioners' experiences in the development of academic integrity in the context of innovation in education. In the framework of the forum, participants had an opportunity to take part in workshops for researchers and stakeholders to discuss topical questions and problems of academic integrity, and also to share experience on this issue.

22052016 1The President of IQAA, Kalanova Sh. delivered a report in the section "Academic integrity and international accreditation". The topic of her presentation was: “Creation of Registers for Accreditation Agencies as a Method of Protecting from "Factories "of Accreditation Agencies by the Example of the US Federal Register and the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR)”. In her presentation, Professor Kalanova Sh. highlighted the importance of setting high criteria and requirements to accreditation agencies with the aim to assure the quality of education in educational institutions. As an example, she indicated at the requirements to agencies willing to be included at the US Federal Register of the Education Department and the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR). The main purpose of these two registers is to manage the list of reliable and recognized quality assurance agencies.

The seminar was attended by representatives of the MES RK, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, national organizations, quality assurance agencies, local and foreign researchers, international experts in the field of quality assurance, heads of educational organizations at all levels, representatives of educational organizations and students.

The presentation of the IQAA President, Kalanova Sh. is available at the following link.

More detailed information on this event is available at the official website of KAZGUU.

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