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Standards for Accreditation of HEIs


Standards for Institutional Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions

Standards and criteria for institutional accreditation of higher education institutions have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, revised European Standards and Guidelines (ESG), Bologna Process requirements, and international practice of institutional accreditation and review of higher education.

Standards and criteria for institutional accreditation are designed for internal quality assurance of education in higher education institutions.

Standards and criteria for institutional accreditation are based on four key principles of the ESG:

1. Higher education institutions have primary responsibility for the quality of their provision and its assurance.

2. Quality assurance responds to the diversity of higher education systems, institutions, programmes and students.

3. Quality assurance supports the development of a quality culture.

4. Quality assurance takes into account the needs and expectations of students, all other stakeholders and society.

These principles correspond to the activity of HEIs and public policy in the field of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Standards for Institutional Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (2019)

Standards for Institutional Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (2017)

Standards for Institutional Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (2015)

Standards for Institutional Accreditation of Research Institutions

The standards and criteria for institutional accreditation of medical organizations of education and science, which have the license to carry out educational activities in corresponding residency programmes, regardless of the departmental affiliation and the form of ownership, have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, new edition of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG), the Bologna Process requirements, the Code “On People’s Health and the Healthcare System”, normative documents of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the RK; the International Standards of the World Federation for Medical Education on the Improvement of the Quality of Postgraduate Medical Education, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Science”, and international practices in institutional accreditation.

The standards and criteria for institutional accreditation are designed for internal quality assurance in medical organizations of education and science implementing the training on residency study programmes.

Standards for Institutional Accreditation of Research Institutions

Standards for Specialized (Programme) Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions

The standards for accreditation of study programmes of higher education are designed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", revised Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), adopted at the Yerevan Conference of Ministers of Education of Bologna signatory states in May, 2015, as well as international practice of accreditation of study programmes of higher education.

The standards for accreditation of study programmes of higher education are based on universally accepted key concepts: responsibility of HEIs for the provision of quality education, consideration and protection of the interests of society, stakeholders and, most notably, students in receipt of high-quality educational services, compliance of programmes of higher education with social and professional competences, satisfying the educational needs of an individual and society in obtaining a profession.

Standards for Specialized (Programme) Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (2019)

Standards for Specialized (Programme) Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (2017)

Standards for Specialized (Programme) Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (2015)

Standards for Specialized (Programme) Accreditation of Research Institutions

Standards for accreditation of postgraduate study programmes on training doctors (residency) have been developed in accordance with the Code “On People’s Health and the Healthcare System”; Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, “On Technical Regulation”; regulations of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the RK; the International Standards of the World Federation for Medical Education on the Improvement of the Quality of Postgraduate Medical Education, the European standards and guidelines, with the consideration of national and regional needs and priorities of the healthcare system in Kazakhstan.

Postgraduate medical education (residency) is the phase of medical education, during which doctors gain experience after the completion of the basic medical training. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” (No. 319-3 dated 27.07.2007, article 22), the acquirement of the professional training programme (residency) is an obligatory prerequisite for admission to clinical practice of citizens, who received higher medical education in clinical specialties.

Standards for Specialized (Programme) Accreditation of Research Institutions

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