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28. 02. 15

On February 26-27, 2015, the Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance held a training workshop on the topic: «New approaches to accreditation procedures in light of the revision of standards and guidelines of the ESG»

On February 26- 27, 2015, the IQAA held a training workshop on the topic: «New approaches to accreditation procedures in light of the revision of standards and guidelines of the ESG». The training workshop was attended by approximately 100 representatives of higher education institutions, Rectors, Vice-rectors, Deans, Heads of Departments, Heads of structural units, who deal with the issues of accreditation, and experts from 13 cities of Kazakhstan and Russia.

On February 26, there was a hearing of reports made by the President of the IQAA, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Sh.Kalanova on the topic: «Standards and criteria of institutional accreditation and standards of the external visit of the IQAA: in light of the new edition of standards and guidelines (ESG), developed by the Bologna Follow-up Group», Director of the Department of Integrated Academic system of Health Care from Nazarbayev University, Professor of Medicine, N.Khamzina, on the topic: «On experiences of activities of the Accreditation Committee on medical specialties», student representative in the Accreditation Council, A. Oralov А. on the topic «About work of the Accreditation Council», and the Head of the Department of Accreditation and Expert Evaluation of the IQAA, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor G. Adilgazinov, and the senior coordinator, Candidate of Economic Sciences, A. Zhumatayeva.

On February 27, there was a hearing of reports made by the agency staff and a holding of the training.

At the end of the training workshop, participants were awarded with certificates.

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