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IQAA conducted a regular International Training Session on the topic: "Student-Centred Learning, Teaching and Assessment: Principles and Technologies"


On 5 October 2017 Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) conducted a regular International Training Session on the topic: “Student-Centred Learning, Teaching and Assessment: Principles and Technologies” with the participation of international experts from Europe, Associate Professors from Nazarbayev University and representatives of Almaty Management University.

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This seminar was attended by 115 people, representing 51 HEIs, 12 research institutes and 2 colleges.
The welcoming speech was given by the President of IQAA, professor Sholpan Kalanova, who stressed the relevance and importance of the chosen seminar topic.
The programme of the seminar was divided into 2 parts: plenary session and group work within 4 focus groups.
During the plenary session the reports were presented by the following speakers:

1) President of IQAA, professor Sholpan Kalanova

Topic of the report: "Student-Centred Learning, Teaching and Assessment: Basic Principles, Parameters, Conditions".

2) Professor Eric Froment, International Expert in Higher Education, Founding President of the European University Association – EUA, Former Chair of the Register Committee of the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR), Former President of the University Lumière-Lyon 2 (France)
Topic of the report
: "Implementing the Concept of Student-Centered Learning in European Higher Education".

3) Lukas Bischof, Author of the 2014 Input Study to the Report from the European Commission, Advisor and Research Fellow at the Higher School of Economics (Moscow), International Expert in Higher Education (Germany)
Topic of the report:
: «The Logic of Curriculum Development Based on Competence and Student-Centred Teaching».

4) Sulushash Kerimkulova, Associate Professor at the Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education
Topic of the report:
: «Opportunities of Interactive Technologies in the System of Student-Centred Learning, Teaching and Evaluation».

5) Asel Aryn, representative of Almaty Management University
Topic of the report: «A Modern Teacher in the Conditions of Student-Centred Learning».

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The second part of the seminar included the work in 4 focus groups under the supervision of the following moderators: Sulushash Kerimkulova, Associate Professor at the Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education; Duishon Shamatov, Associate Professor at the Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education; Lucas Bischof, International Expert in Higher Education (Germany), and Albina Salimbayeva, expert in the field of strategic management and project management, Almaty Management University.
Full programme of the seminar is available here.

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This seminar aroused much interest of all participants, who expressed their gratitude to all speakers, moderators and organizers of the event, shared their positive impressions and wished prosperity to the Agency.
At the end of the seminar, moderators of focus groups summarized the results of the work done within their focus groups. As a final stage, all participants of the seminar were awarded with certificates for participation.

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As training hand-outs, all participants were provided with the package of the manuals translated by the Agency: “Student-Centred Learning: Toolkit for Students, Staff and Higher Education Institutions. - Brussels, 2010”, “Student Centered Learning: An Insight into Practice and Reality. – Bucharest, 2010”.
The full photo report and videos from this seminar are available on the официальной Facebook странице

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