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Promoting excellence in Education


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26. 08. 17

On 25 August 2017 representatives of IQAA took part in the seminar, which was held in Astana in the framework of the Days of Finnish Education at the International Specialized Exhibition EXPO-2017 "Global Pedagogical Education"

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This seminar was attended by the Minister of Education of Finland Sanni Grahn-Laasonen, executive secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aryn Orsariyev, and from the side of Finland – Rector of JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jussi Halttunen, representatives of the Finnish consortium KFEIG, managers and faculty of the JAMK and Häme University of Applied Sciences and from the side of Kazakhstan – deputy directors of the Department of Legal Affairs and International Cooperation of the MES RK, the Chairperson of JSC "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" and "Holding "Kasipkor", President of IQAA, heads and representatives of educational organizations.

Within the framework of the Kazakh-Finnish cooperation, memorandums of understanding and cooperation in the development of education between JSC "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools", Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education and Finnish universities JAMK and Häme have been signed.

The main topics of presentations within the section "Means for modernization of education within the Kazakh-Finnish cooperation" were: "Pedagogy of the 21st century - what does it mean for the competence of teachers? Introduction to Finnish educational thinking", "Factors of success of Finnish universities of applied sciences" and "Kazakh-Finnish cooperation in TVET education: Development of standards and professional development program for teachers-instructors of TVET education". Prospects for the development of educational cooperation between Kazakhstan and Finland were presented by Akerke Abylayhan, Deputy Director of the Department of Legal Affairs and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Reports stressed the attention to the development of skills and improvement of students’ knowledge, introduction of innovative methods, cooperation and exchange of knowledge, integration of information technologies.

The session of the innovative seminar on the development of the Kazakh-Finnish cooperation in the field of innovative pedagogical education and applied pedagogy was held in the interactive format of the Training Cafe, where ideas were discussed and presented on the following issues:

1. How can we promote Kazakh-Finnish cooperation in the field of innovative pedagogical education?

2. How could we promote Kazakh-Finnish cooperation in school management and pedagogical leadership?

3. How could we promote Kazakh-Finnish cooperation in the field of educational research and development?

4. How could we promote Kazakh-Finnish cooperation between our students?

5. What can be our concrete steps in the framework of Kazakh-Finnish cooperation in the near future?

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The participants of the seminar had a unique opportunity of close communication, discussing the issues of cooperation development and visiting the Finnish exhibition pavilion.

Presentation, demonstrated in framewok of the seminar are available below:

Programme of the seminar (in Russian)

1. Pedagogy of the 21st century - what does it mean for the competence of teachers? (in Kazakh);

2. On activities of "Holding "Kasipkor" (in Russian);

3. Systematic and holistic cooperation with the labour market – one of the factors for success of universities of applied sciences in Finland (in Russian);

4. Development of Kazakh-Finnish cooperation (in Russian).

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