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30. 10. 17

Representatives of IQAA took part in the 8th ENQA General Assembly

Representatives of IQAA took part in the 8th ENQA General Assembly, which took place on 26-27 October 2017 in Paris (Sèvres), France. This even was hosted by the Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques (CIEP).

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On 25 October 2017 CIEP, in cooperation with HCERES, CTI, and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation organized a pre-event entitled “Quality Assurance in France: Key players and national and European challenges” prior to the beginning of the ENQA General Assembly.

In the beginning of the General Assembly, the welcoming speech was delivered by the ENQA President, Padraig Walsh, as well as by the Head of the Higher Education Unit, Deputy Head of the Department cooperation in education, CIEP, Bruno Curvale.

The program of the General Assembly consisted of several parts:

1) Poster sessions;

2) Discussion on the ENQA message to the Ministerial Conference 2018, which will be held on 23-25 May in Paris;

3) Oxford-style debate on the topic “Programme accreditation vs. institutional evaluation - the future of quality assurance” with Axel Aerden, Managing Director Flanders (NVAO) and Iring Wasser, Managing Director (ASIIN).

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One of the most engaging and interesting parts of the Assembly was the exhibition and presentation of posters on different topics. Representatives of several agencies presented their reports in forms of diagrams and tables, where they highlighted the changes and challenges in the field of quality assurance for their organizations.

In 2016 the Board of ENQA made a decision to organize the General Assembly 2018 in Kazakhstan on the basis of IQAA. The organinization of the event of such a big importance is a great proof of the high trust and recognition of out Agency by ENQA. In the framework of this event, the Director of the Administrative and International Relations Department, Daulet Kalanov, invited all ENQA members to take part in the 9th General Assembly, which is going to be conducted on 18-19 October 2018 in Astana, Kazakhstan. He presented to ENQA members the presentation about the country, Astana sightseeings and the IQAA Agency.

More detailed information on this event, programme of the Assembly, presentations and posters are available on the official website of ENQA

The photos are taken from the official ENQA Facebook page

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