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25. 12. 17

The staff of IQAA organized another annual charity event to help lonely elderly people and children with disabilities.

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On the eve of the celebration of the New year 2018, the administration of the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) financed the organization and purchased the products for a charity event to help lonely elderly people and children with disabilities. The purpose of this charitable action was to support socially vulnerable groups of people.

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As a part of this charity event, the IQAA administration has purchased various food products: butter, cheese, cereals, fruits and New Year's gifts, and collected 100 bags with16 types of products, weighing more than 12 kilograms. IQAA staff visited 80 elderly people in need of social help and 20 families with children with disabilities. Thanks to the coordinated and collaborative work of the team, as well as the voluntary participation of eight students from the Eurasian Humanities Institute, all gifts were delivered to people within one day.

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Elderly people and parents of children with disabilities welcomed the the agency staff and students with joy and great gratitude, they were glad to share their life stories and wished prosperity, success and health to each employee of the agency.

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IQAA hopes that many other organizations in Astana and Kazakhstan, as a whole, will be inspired to organize such actions of kindness and care. We believe that the size and scope of the organization should not be an obstacle to good deeds. Despite the small team of IQAA, the agency has been already conducting these charity actions for two years in a row and is also planning to hold similar annual events in support of the elderly and other socially vulnerable groups of society.

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IQAA expresses gratitude to the administration of the Eurasian Humanities Institute, to volunteer students, as well as to the employees of the "Center for Social Services" of Astana akimat for the support rendered to the implementation of this action.

The full photo report for this charity action is available on the official IQAA Facebook page.

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