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Promoting excellence in Education


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16. 01. 16

On January 11-12, 2016, the IQAA held a regional training seminar in Almaty on “The procedures of an external review of higher education institutions and an expertise of self-evaluation reports”

On January 11-12, 2016, the IQAA team, headed by the President of IQAA, Dr.Sc., professor Sholpan Kalanova, held training seminars for students and teaching staff on the topic “The procedures of an external review of higher education institutions and an expertise of self-evaluation reports” on the basis of Kazakh British Technical University in Almaty. The training involved 220 experts from teaching staff and personnel of the following higher education institutions: Kazakh British Technical University, Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.Satpayev, Kazakh National Medical University named after S.Asfendiyarov, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, the University of International Business, Zhetysu State University named after I.Zhansugurov, etc. (altogether about 30 higher education institutions and research institutes of the region). Besides, 29 student experts from these universities have been trained.

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In the course of the seminars the experts received complete information on the revised Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), mastered the revised IQAA standards for institutional and programme accreditation, familiarized with the external review procedure, and exchanged opinions on certain issues of accreditation. The experts received the handout material: booklets with revised ESG and ECTS, as well as CDs with the content of the seminar. Presentations of the speakers are available on the IQAA website.

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The IQAA database of national experts has replenished with 249 certified experts, trained on the new accreditation standards and procedures.

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The full photo gallery is available here.

Program of the seminar

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