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11. 04. 18

On April 6, 2018, IQAA conducted an international training seminar: "Management of Internal Quality Assurance System in Higher Education" at Nazarbayev University, with the participation of national experts in the field of quality assurance along with the international European experts.

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The seminar presented the theoretical foundation of internal quality assurance system, the best practices of internal quality assurance systems at foreign universities, as well as the Kazakhstani universities’ experience in internal quality assurance. The staff of the IQAA have done a great work. An agency obtained a permission from EURASHE for the translation and publication of the Professor Lucien Bollaert's book "Manual on Internal Quality Assurance in Higher Education with a special focus on Professional Higher Education". All the participants of the Seminar have received the manual.

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The President, Professor Kalanova Sholpan Murtazovna, delivered an opening statement and welcomed 156 participants from 55 universities from all over Kazakhstan (rectors, vice-rectors and representatives of quality assurance departments), members of the Accreditation Council of IQAA, professors of Nazarbayev University, employees of IQAA and other organizations at the seminar.

The program of this training seminar consisted of several parts:

1) Presentation "The future of QA in HE in search of new quality in a new World. Part 1" – presented by Prof. Lucien Bollaert, Independent International QA Expert

2) Presentation "Moving towards transparency, trust and recognition within the EHEA. Where does EQAR stand?"- presented by Melinda Szabo, Policy Analyst at the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR)

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3) Focus groups discussions were held on the topic «Models of internal quality assurance system in Kazakh universities». Performed by: Associate Prof. Gulvira Akybayeva, Head of Registrar's Office of Academician E.A.Buketov Karagandy State University with the report topic «Monitoring of educational process quality in E.A. Buketov KarSU within the framework of electronic university»; Prof. Almagul Kanagatova, First Vice-Rector of Almaty Management University with the report topic «The experience of AlmaU: transformation process of university internal quality assurance system management»; Prof. Rinat Iskakov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Kazakh National Research Technical University after K.I.Satpaev with the report topic «Quality assurance for student academic assessment»; Prof. Roza Bugubayeva, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs and New Technologies of Karagandy Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with the report topic «Internal quality assurance system in Karagandy Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz».

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4) Presentation "The Future of QA in HE in search of new quality in a new World. Part 2"– presented by Prof. Lucien Bollaert, Independent International QA Expert. 

A big resonance and discussion was caused by the presentations on management of the internal quality assurance systems by Associate Professor Akhibaeva G.S. and by professors: Ph.D. Kanagatova A.M., Ph.D. Iskakova R.M., Ph.D. Bugubayeva R.O.
The seminar attracted a lot of participants’ attention; the speakers answered the questions of the seminar participants.
At the end of the seminar, the participants were given certificates for participation on increasing their knowledge in the field of quality assurance.

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The full photo report for this event is available on the official IQAA Facebook page.

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