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24. 11. 15

The 10th European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) was held on november 19-21st 2015 in London, United Kingdom

The representatives of the Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) participated in the 10th European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) on November 19-21st 2015 in London, United Kingdom.

The European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) provides a unique platform for the higher education and quality assurance (QA) communities to monitor, shape and anticipate developments in the field.

The main purpose of the Forum was to foster a dialogue on QA that bridges national boundaries and leads to a truly European discussion on QA in higher education, and to create a common European understanding of QA through discussions and networking among different stakeholder groups.

The 10th European Quality Assurance Forum was co-organised by The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), the European Students Union (ESU), The European University Association (EUA) and the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) and hosted by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and UCL Institute of Education, London, United Kingdom.

The 2015 European Quality Assurance Forum was entitled “Taking stock and looking forward”. The program of the Forum included presentations of current developments in quality assurance with discussions on research, policy and practice that took place in paper sessions and workshops.


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2015 marks not only the 10th anniversary of EQAF, but also 10 years since the introduction of the ESG and five years since the formal launch of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). With the recent adoption of the revised ESG, this year presents an ideal moment to take stock of the status of European QA policies and assess their impact on all stakeholders. The Forum examined QA in the EHEA from a variety of perspectives and explored the ways in which concrete practices in institutions and agencies reflect European level policies.

The 10th European Quality Assurance Forum was attended by more than 500 delegates from 74 countries. The European Quality Assurance Forum provided a platform for discussion, professional development and exchange of experiences among the main stakeholders in quality assurance (QA). Specifically, the Forum was of interest to rectors and vice-rectors responsible for QA, QA officers in higher education institutions, students, QA agency staff and researchers working on higher education or the QA field.


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More detailed information about this Forum is available on the official website.

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